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Pentathalon Semester 1
As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my first semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers.
On August 30, 2020, I decided to attempt to draw the most realistic and detailed version of a cupcake that I could after finding some of my old cupcake sketches that I completed as a middle school student. My goal was to try to create depth in the drawing by using contrast between shadows and highlights within my subject. My purpose in doing this was to gauge any improvements that I've made as an artist since middle school and since I became an Arts Scholar, which turned out to be a significant improvement after so many years of practice. By completing this work, it made me curious as to other ways that I might be able to improve and what other materials other than chalk pastels or oil pastels I might be able to experiment with using a similar project. #visualart

On October 2, 2020, I held a virtual event through Zoom as a Peer Mentor in which I guided fellow Arts Scholars through a virtual museum tour. of the Walters Art Museum. I thought that this museum was very unique in that I had not yet seen a museum with such variety in medium used as well as such a variety in content. We went through several exhibits in which we explored Japanese art and armor as well as 18th and 19th century art. The Japanese armor was particularly inspiring as it displayed aspects of Japanese culture through art carved into what looked to be objects that were actually used by the Japanese. This doesn't relate as much to my major as it does to my minor of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). In this minor we learn to accept and appreciate all cultures, as was made possible through these virtual exhibits. #visualarts #artsscholars

On October 9, 2020, I viewed the film "The Princess Diaries". In this film, the main character, Mia develops from an awkward, stereotypically nerdy character into royalty after receiving the news that she is actually the princess of a country called Genovia. Through this film, I learned that it is important to try to be observant of peoples' intentions. This is because during the movie, many of Mia's classmates who had previously treated her poorly, pretended they had been friends with her all along to use her for her fame and power. One strong connection that I noticed between themes in this movie and my major in Education, is that it is important as a teacher to monitor student behavior and stop behaviors that could be detrimental to a student's well being, as was displayed in Mia's case in the movie. #film

On October 24, 2020, fellow Arts Scholar, Jenna Deutch and I hosted a virtual pentathlon event through the Peer Mentor program in which we collaboratively watched a Ted Talk about an artist. In that particular video, the artist was discussing the power of a singular line while discussing her art form. She liked to use contour lines to form designs that tell a story and demonstrated several examples of her personal style of art throughout the video. This experience was unique because personally, as an artist, I have my own style of drawing and shading, but have yet to become very experimental with other styles. This particular artist inspired me to try to push myself to experiment with other styles of art, including hers. This video relates to what I've learned in Arts Scholars as the program has taught me to start to be more appreciative of the work of other artists and take inspiration from them. #presentation

On December 12, 2020, I had the opportunity to view a dance on the University of Maryland dance streaming website. The dance that I watched is called Rainwood (1975). This particular dance was choreographed by an Israeli artist named Ze'eva Cohen and the purpose was to describe the process of making it in the dance world. It is difficult to become a successful independent dancer, though this choreographer aims to describe the process. From what I saw, it looks like the formation of a circle that all of the dancers were originally a part of is an important part of the representation in this dance. At various points throughout the dance, individual dancers break away from this main formation and then return to the group and I took this to mean that it is difficult to become an independent dancer and it is common for them to return to the group. Watching this performance relates greatly to what I have learned in Arts Scholars as I have gained appreciation, yet again, for a form of art that was previously unfamiliar to me, as I have all throughout Arts Scholars. #dance

Pentathlon: News
Pentathalon Semester 2
As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my second semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers.
On January 25, 2021, I attended a virtual dance performance called "Dance in the Sun" directed by Shirley Clarke. One thing that I noticed while viewing this performance is that the dance fits in very nicely with the corresponding music. There were some parts of the music that were deeper in pitch and slower and I could see the dancer's interpretation of the music during those times as he began to move his body in slower, larger, and smoother motions. During parts of the song that were more light-hearted, this dancer made his movements match as he became more bouncy and light. Another interesting thing about this performance is the change in location throughout the video. The dancer danced throughout many different settings such as outdoors, on the beach, in the studio, or on stage, each location giving off a slightly different mood as the backdrop for the dance. Personally, I am not used to analyzing dance performances so this assignment has been interesting as I try to use new descriptive words to describe what I am seeing and hearing. This connects to what I have learned in Arts Scholars as we have learned to critique different forms of art. Although I couldn't give my feedback to the dancer in the video personally, this assignment has really helped me to think about how I would go about critiquing a dance  performance. #dance

On Saturday February 20, 2021, I hosted a pentathlon event along with two of my fellow peer mentors. During this event, we had a viewing of the film "High School Musical 1". This is not the first time I have seen this film, however, I continue to watch it because each time I do, I notice something new that I didn't previously pick up on. This movie can be appreciated for a variety of reasons from the music to the choreography to the plot of being who you want to be regardless of what others in your life want for you. Something that I noticed this time was that the outfit choices seemed to be very intentional and symbolic as the two main characters, Troy and Gabriella consistently wore shades of blue throughout the movie during times when the rest of their peers were wearing red as their school color. This was likely intentional as it symbolized their ability to stand out and not "stick to the status quo" as the rest of their classmates wanted them to. This whole film relates to the Arts Scholars program as it incorporates singing, dancing, and acting as the students prepare to participate in their high school play/musical. This also relates to my major being Education to some extent because the movie takes place in a school and revolves around making independent decisions regardless of peer pressure, which is a lesson I intend on instilling in my future students. #film #artsscholars

On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, I created a portrait of a prominent leader in the political world, Stacey Abrams. I chose to draw her for several reasons. The first is that she is a woman of color with extreme influence in this country which is refreshing to see, given the history of people like her in this country. It is nice to see the underrepresented finally being represented by such a powerful public figure. The second reason I chose to draw her was because of her influence in the 2020 presidential election, in which she registered a significant number of Georgia voters, who would have otherwise gone unheard and would remain without representation. I have always understood the importance of creating meaning through my art and I wanted to use this piece to display a powerful woman who is important to me and who will continue to inspire others like me across the United States. #visualarts

On April 9, 2021, fellow Arts Scholar, Jenna Deutch and I hosted a pentathlon event due to our roles as Peer Mentors. During this event, we showed the new music video created by Lil Nas X for the song "Montero (Call Me By My Name)". Following the video, we held a discussion regarding the symbolism and meaning behind the visuals and lyrics presented in the video and song. For a brief background, Lil Nas X recently came out, which was widely disputed by the public and amongst his fans. This song was focused around his newly revealed identity, how he has been perceived by others, and his newly found comfort with himself, hence the title, announcing that he is proud to be called by his real name (Montero) and reclaim his identity. In the video, there were images of the artist going down to hell and taking the crown from satan's head, owning his public perception that he "belongs in hell". Personally, I have tried to create meaning in my own visual art pieces, and appreciate seeing this type of creativity in the form of a music video as well because that is a fairly unfamiliar form of art for me. #music

On April 10, 2021, I created a visual arts piece that is a figure study of a woman's body. I made this work using black and white charcoal as well as gray chalk pastel. Although I have worked with both charcoal and chalk pastel extensively, the subject that I chose to draw in this particular piece was different from any other reference I have ever used. Although I have been taught the basics about drawing figure studies in previous art classes, I have never tried taking it beyond a drawing that I could complete in a few minutes to serve as a rough sketch because I didn't think it was a type of drawing that I could succeed at. Inspired by fellow Arts Scholar, Maria Soboleva's figure studies that she made for her art class, I decided that I also wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try to draw a reference that would not only challenge me but also would be like nothing I have ever created before. For me, the Arts Scholars program has always been about gaining inspiration from the other creative students that I am constantly surrounded by as well as challenging myself to try new things as it relates to art, as I did in this assignment. #visualarts

Pentathlon: News
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